A few days ago I posted Part 1 of the last Day in the Life I photographed in Tacoma. It was a normal weekend day and editing it has made me long for the dry, summer days that seem so far away. After a breakfast of pancakes and a trip to an indoor playground, we went for a walk to Starbucks. One of my favorite things about our house was that we lived within walking distance to coffee, ice cream, bars, restaurants and parks. Our go-to activity on the weekends when we had nothing else to do was to walk to Starbucks. Silas always enjoyed a pastry of his choosing and we had our coffee. I really miss those walks! We also spent a lot of time running around our giant backyard. It’s still cold here in the Netherlands, but we lucked out on another awesome backyard that I know Silas will have a blast hanging out in.
Every time I shoot a Day in the Life, I always hit a point when I lose steam. It’s usually around dinner time so like my last DITL, I didn’t photograph that. I did make sure to pick back up again for bath time because that is my favorite time to watch Silas and my husband interact. Bath time has always been their time to bond. I nursed Silas, I took care of him during the day, but bath time was all Steve. After making a mess of bath water, Silas was put in pajamas and ready for snuggles in bed.
Part 2
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