Team Green – Guam Birth Photographer

December 21, 2019

Guam Birth Photographer – I have a confession to make. I still have never shot a birth for someone who wasn’t a close friend (or family member). Lindsey was supposed to be my first non-friend birth. Key words: supposed to be. In the months between her initial inquiry and her birth, we became friends. #sorrynotsorry I suppose I’ll add a disclaimer to my website that it might also happen to you when you and I work together.

So how did we go from strangers to friends? For starters, Guam is a small island. We were also both pregnant at the same time, though I was a month and a half ahead of her. We were both waiting for the birth to find out what we were having (we both really wanted girls but kinda figured we were having boys). She’s a birth junkie (L&D nurse) and I was raised by one (midwife). Our labors even aren’t that different: fast and faster. Basically we could never stop talking about birth, babies and our pregnancies.

Needless to say, I was super excited to get back to work after having Yara if it meant attending Lindsey’s birth. This was my first time shooting video at a birth I nearly cried 7684 times watching the footage while I edited her film. Video for birth gives me goosebumps in a way that photos never have. Watch the video, try not to cry when she finds out if she has another boy or a girl, and then go ahead and watch it again.

Guam Birth Photographer - Affirmations
Guam Birth Photographer - Laboring at Home
Guam Birth Photographer - Drive to Hospital
Guam Birth Photographer - Naval Hospital Guam
Guam Birth Photographer - Partner Support
Guam Birth Photographer - Natural Birth
Guam Birth Photographer
Guam Birth Photographer - Golden Hour
Guam Birth Photographer - Golden Hour

Interested in Maternity, Newborn or Birth Photography or online mentoring? Email me at to find out more and be sure to follow me on Facebook.