Do you see what I see? That’s right. Like 3 more pictures taken outside of our home than last month! School officially ended this month (though we were all kind of phoning it in by the end of May) which means we’ve had so much more time to just get outside. More walks. More backyard time. More beach trips. Our weekends at the beach have been so good for our moods. Yara went from being scared to touch the sand to LOVING any and everything about the beach. She especially loves salt water (gross) and sand (grosser).
Speaking of Yara, she’s officially walking. She started taking single steps unassisted at the beginning of the month and by the time she turned 9 months old, she was walking across the room. She still prefers to crawl because she’s not a very efficient walker yet, but she’s getting bold about climbing on anything she can reach. She’s toeing that line between baby and toddler so hard right now!
Be sure to check back next month to see how the lack of structure from no school responsibilities is chipping away at our sanity!