October 2020 (366)

November 1, 2020

T-minus two months until 2021! Are you ready? I’m ready.

October came with a slight shift toward normalcy for us. The daily number of new cases of Covid-19 on Guam isn’t the best, but it’s not the worst and it’s holding steady. At the end of September I was able to start working again and boy, have I been working! While trying to get anything done with a toddler running around is near impossible, it just feels so dang good to be able to create (with subjects who, as much as I love them, are not my family).

School has been… interesting. After six weeks of constant headaches and stress from his teacher, we pulled Silas from school and started homeschooling. It’s been such an improvement for all of us! Arlo’s teacher has been fabulous and managed to teach a restless group of kindergartners in truly meaningful ways. Last week school moved to in-person instructions and Arlo, my little social butterfly, made a mostly flawless transition. We’re still working on him not forgetting his lunch box every chance he gets.

And we ended the month with a mostly normal (for us) Halloween. Living in the NL for four years, we’re used to just dressing up and hanging out with a small group of friends, maybe doing a trunk-or-treat in lieu of actual trick-or-treating. It’s just not a big holiday for us and this year was no different. Since the normal hordes of trick-or-treaters were absent from our neighborhood, we made a short trip around our block and then settled in for some gorging on candy and Halloween movies.